Imogen is a student at Stratford-Upon-Avon High. She's also a magical girl, Ingenue Garnet. Imogen and her friends save worlds by entering portals.
Speaking of portals, one has just appeared as Imogen walks towards Stratford-Upon-Avon High!
What will she do?
Imogen, brave Imogen, jumps through the portal. She finds herself in a dark alley. Imogen sees two girls fighting! Their hair seems to be alive.
What's she going to do?
Imogen ignores the portal, which is not her style, and goes to school.
It was a dull day at school. Her teachers seemed only half awake. After class, Imogen ran into Rosalind, one of her friends and also a magical girl, Ingenue Emerald.
"Hi Imogen. Would you like to go to the mall with me?"
What's Imogen going to say?
Imogen yells at the two girls to stop fighting. They stop clashing. They turn to Imogen. Before she can react, both girls' hair grabs her.
The hair begins to pull at Imogen's arms and legs.
"Stop! It hurts!"
The two girls ignore Imogen. Their hair continues to pull. Imogen screams as her arms and legs are torn off. Blood flows freely.
Thinking of her friends, Imogen loses consciousness.
END: Bloody death
Imogen transforms into Ingenue Garnet. The two girls see her. They stop their confrontations. They turn to Ingenue Garnet.
"Hello? Where am I?" Ingenue Garnet asks the girls.
The two girls don't answer. Their hair prepares to attack the red magical girl.
"As you wish!" Ingenue Garnet twirls her magic wand. "BALANCING ACT!"
A spiral of light touches both girls' hair. It stuns them. Ingenue Garnet takes the opportunity to run away.
Balancing Act can be either light or dark. It's a random attack.
The magical girl emerges from the dark alley and finds herself in a city.
Buildings and houses radiate an evil aura.
The red magical girl is alone, but a new mission and adventure begins for her.
It's time to save the world!
END: GO! Save the world!
"Let's go!"
Imogen and Rosalind go to the mall. They have a great time together.
When Imogen returns home, as the sun declines, she is happy. She smiles.
END: Time with friends
"No thanks."
"As you like. See you later!"
Rosalind leaves and Imogen returns home.
In her room, she wonders what to do.
Imogen opens her school books and studies. She's always been a good student and the best way to learn is to study and do her homework!
Imogen takes a break to eat and goes back to her books. She finishes late and goes to bed.
END: Studies
Imogen reads a manga lent to her by her friend Miranda. Miranda, like Rosalind, is a magical girl. Ingenue Citrine.
The manga tells the story of a mermaid detective. Imogen finds it very funny and finishes it quickly.
Imogen is going to take it back to Miranda tomorrow and ask her to borrow the next volume. She might just read the whole series!
END: Manga